The story centers on a group of strangers trapped in a time warp
某座靠近海边的小城市,一名女子为爱殉情自杀,当时有渔夫跳入水中营救,最后却离奇失踪。夜幕降临,阴风阵阵,摄影师周游(王一 饰)正
Heather, an outcast teenage goalie in a small northern town, fal
Nearly murdered as a child by her mother, a woman (Katrina Law)
1945年8月,日寇投降后,中共为促成国共合作,避免内战,应蒋介石(孙飞虎 饰)之邀,毛泽东(古月 饰)只身飞往重庆,与蒋“共商
为了从最近的分手中恢复过来,哈里森联系了神秘的女仆机器人机构,并遇到了 Mako,一个能满足他所有愿望的美丽机器人。然而,Mak
When a mysterious prisoner lands in his jail, a border town sher
A group of childhood friends are invited to the opening of a pos
In 1976 a troubled teen befriends her bullied neighbor, seeking
Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site
描述潜水员克里斯(芬恩柯尔 饰)在一次「修复爆裂油管」时遇到意外而被困海底,氧气瓶仅剩10分钟可使用,而负责救援的队友邓肯(伍迪
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in t
Mike and Heather's father die and they go to his favorite spot t
1989 / 其它 / Keith,Van,Hoven,卡琳娜·赫夫,保罗·保罗尼
The life of a woman named Farah. After officially getting marrie